Monday, November 08, 2010

Halloween Pics

The kids went "trunk or treating" at our karate dojo this year on the Friday before Halloween. Since a lot of little kids were present, Mackenzie kindly decided not to wear his scary grim reaper death mask thingie with the blood pump that made blood run down his face. Instead, he used my old standby Godzilla costume. What a nice guy! Asa was a "Cheerless Leader" in her skull-covered cheerleader costume. She was supposed to keep a zombie-like face, but she's just way to cheerful for that. 

So here's the costume Mackenzie suckered me into buying him. In true Mackenzie fashion, he pulled this long face and said "But Moooooom. It's probably the LAST time I will EVER go trick or treating since I'm SO BIG now. And of course he knows I'm thinking "OMG, how can my baby be so old that this is his last year trick or treating?" Of course I'll splurge on the extra blood-circulating death mask costume!" That boy knows how to wrap me around his finger.

On actual Halloween night, he went with some friends, and went with the gorier costume. Since he went over to his friends' house early, I didn't get a picture of the blood-dripping part of it. It was weird to have him gone for Halloween and just be trick-or-treating with Asa and her friend. Where are the days when he and I went together and he wanted me to dress up with him? Long gone for sure, LOL!

But Asa invited a friend over and we had a terrific time trick-or-treating together. Her friend's mom and I walked and chatted through the balmy night, admiring all the cool decorated houses. People around here go for funky rather than commercial, and there were some beautiful luminarias. One guy came to the door in a fairy costume and his dog was dressed as a fairy too. And I'm reminded of why I love Halloween - a night that brings everyone in the community out and walking around together with their kids. Not to mention the candy. This year was so balmy too!

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