We went up to the science museum to see the traveling
Body Worlds exhibit. It was really fascinating! I didn't anticipate how much information and presentation there would be along with the full-size bodies, and was pleasantly surprised. The kids didn't want to go in, I think they were a little intimidated by the idea of the dead bodies, and their friends we were there with also did a little bit of persuading because they didn't want to go in and wanted to go have fun in some of the rest of the science exhibits.

So my mom friend and I took turns hanging out with the kids and each got to go in to see the Body Worlds exhibit. Now, after hearing me talk about it, the kids are interested in maybe going back up to see it, so we may be revisiting the skinless people. I thought it was really fascinating, once I got past the fact of seeing people without their skin on. I'm glad I got the time to walk through it alone without a million discussions with the kids because there is a
lot of information presented about the human body, but I would also enjoy going through it with them and seeing it through their eyes! There was a wealth of information presented, not just on the full cadavers but on all the little body parts like spleens and joints and lungs and stuff (including these bizarre thin slices through the body that let you see a cross-section of organs.) Very cool stuff!

Meanwhile, the kids had a blast at the various rooms at the science museum. Asa and I merged our faces together in a magic mirror, with the eerie effect of aging her into a teenager (or reducing me to one, I don't know which!),

and of course the kids spent a ton of time in the foam ball room, and some in the Chemistry lab, and the other experimental areas. I wish we lived closer to a really big science museum because the kids really enjoy hanging out there. I love how each time we go, it seems like we find some other new little exhibit or experiment we haven't seen before. It's so much fun.